Thursday, January 3, 2008

Rumor Mill: Jay Z Launching Record Label w/ Apple

This one’s been floating around like a hot air balloon, but we’ve just about confirmed it. For those that don’t know, Jay-Z left Def Jam as President last month, and everyone’s been talking about where he’s heading. While this might be one of his many other venutures, we just heard that Jay-Z is launching a record label with Apple. No, Beyonce will not be formally attached. This is from a high-up person attached to Jay (no, not who you’re thinking), and it’s said to be a go! Jay is supposedly totally into the business model, and really wants this to happen. Hey, Apple! Send us some MacWorld passes, and we’ll cut down on the leaks, ‘kay?

Source @ The Boy Genius Report


Anonymous said...

Interesting ...

Record labels are firing people left and right while Apple is doing better than ever. This shit might end up being huge.

And the front man is a hip-hopper ... imagine that.