Wednesday, January 9, 2008

TALKIES: Cloverfield Premiere Invitation

So I got my invitation to the premiere of J.J Abrams new film Cloverfield...and finally the mysterious monster will be revealed. The premiere is on January 16th at Paramount Theatre in Los Angeles and I must say they did a pretty good job of keeping this movie a secret and out of the public. The movie comes out next week and people still have no clue what kind of monster is attacking the city. My guess is that because of this, the movie will make a lot of money opening weekend. If only the music industry had this much control and patience over it's releases. In any case...I'll let you know how it goes....

If you are interested in going, call (323) 956-7810 and RSVP.

Check out the new trailer..

Opens nationwide on Jan 18th.



Anonymous said...

You ever heard of that movie called "Chesterfield"? It's by the same guy who directed TREY.

Anonymous said...

wait, howd u get an invite? ? ?

Anonymous said...

Yes, Im interested in how you receive inviations as well.